How to Cut Down on False Alarms from San Bernadino Home Security Systems
False alarms can be a worry for your security system. False alarms could become concerning from a financial standpoint and lead to home insurance premiums going up, but there’s no need for it to reach that point! You can reduce false alarms from your San Bernadino home security system by ensuring all family members are educated on using it. Best practices like getting messages to your mobile device when a sensor is activated, automating your home, and selecting a home security installer that offers around-the-clock monitoring will help prevent the police from going to your residence due to a false alarm.
Train Everyone On Your Security Features
When you have children in the home, ensure they are educated on how to use the security features and they understand it's vitally important to home safety. If you keep pets in the house, it’s wise to show them what happens in the event the alarm starts going off - most security systems emanate a high-pitched noise out of audio components when your alarm is set off.Train your furry friends to stay calm.
Get Mobile Alerts So You Can Assess If You’re Experiencing A False Alarm
A smartphone notification won't block a San Bernadino false security alarm, but it can stop first responders from rushing to your property. Advanced installations like ones from ADT can transmit updates directly to your cell phone from the connected security app when your system is activated. It's helpful if you're not on site to know instantly when an alarm sounds. If you have video surveillance, you can do a visual inspection and determine if there’s a cause for concern.
Automation Can Easily Disarm Your Property’s Security
Utilizing home automation for home safety is a preferred method to prevent false alarms. A primary reason for false alarms in San Bernadino is because the security components are unwittingly still activated when you’re in the house. Go through one of your home’s entry points, and the alarm triggers. But you have the ability to deactivate your system at a scheduled time, such as when your children come home from school. If incorporating an automated element like a smart lock, you are even able to program your alarms to disengage whenever the lock is engaged with your code.
Turn To Around-The-Clock Monitoring As A False Alarm Backup
An effective method to cut down on false alarms is by selecting a security provider that provides 24-7 monitoring in San Bernadino. These dedicated professionals will investigate your triggered alarms if they find an expected amount of activity at your home. Once determined, they are able to connect with you to make sure it is not a false alarm. If it is, they will remotely reset your system. If it does seem like you have an invader, your monitoring technician will contact law enforcement.
Get An ADT Alarm System To Limit False Security Alarms In San Bernadino
It’s smart to note that a home security system won’t curb all crime, but it can help you feel safer and better secure your property. You can even customize your ADP package with home automation and home monitoring that will reduce the frequency of false alarms. Just call (909) 247-3368 or submit the form on this page and one of our specialists will guide you in customizing your home security system.